Meaningful Resources for a Meaningful Life

Guiding You to Coach Your Kids Confidently to Adulthood

Develop Your Kids By Telling the Truth

There's an old episode of the show Friends that I always think about when it comes time to have an uncomfortable conversation with one of my kids. The lovable and affable Phoebe has a gig...

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Kids and Adults With Clashing Priorities

There's no shortage of conflict between teens and adults. 

  • "Clean your room!"
  • "It's time to wake up!"
  • "Get off your phone!"
  • "Did you start your online driver's training yet?"
  • "Did you eat the...
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Can you teach social skills?

Recently, I was the driver of a car full of teenagers on their way to a night at a local trampoline park. First off, just curious—do you loath the smell of feet as much as I do? 


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Teaching Your Kids How to do Conflict Resolution

One of the most significant moments I've had with a friend came because we had a fight. Just a few days after graduating from college, my friend, John, and I were hanging out in someone's backyard...

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Guiding Your Kids to Intentional Self-Reflection

A few years back I knew that it was time for a career change. Really, it was time for a change in the trajectory in my life. I just didn't have the confidence that if I continued down the path I...

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Teaching Your Kids Grit

There’s nothing worse than wanting something and finding out you can’t get it yet. It’s so, so tempting to just give up. Maybe you tried out for a team but got the news that you...

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Teaching Kids the Importance of Gratitude

Every night at dinner since the quarantine started, our family does a simple gratitude exercise simply called Three Good Things. Everyone takes a turn sharing a few things they liked about the...

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Teaching Self-Awareness to Kids as a Core Subject

Early in high school, I made the declaration to my parents that I was going to pursue a career in Accounting or Finance. After seeing my older sister stress out to get perfect grades so she could...

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Do you know?

For years we’ve been studying what a young person needs in order to transition into a healthy, thriving adulthood.  

They're uncommon sense ideas, really.

Download this checklist and use it with your students (or kids).

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